Bobe ADR Approach

Navigating Dispute Resolution with Bobe ADR

Overview of Bobe ADR's Strategic Approach

At Bobe ADR, we believe in a strategic approach to Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) that prioritizes reasonable resolutions, neutrality, and efficiency.

Our goal is to provide a clear path to resolution for all parties involved in workers’ compensation disputes.

Led by Glenn Bobe, our process is designed to foster understanding, promote effective communication, and achieve satisfactory outcomes.

Resonable and Balanced Resolutions

Ensuring Equity for All Parties

Neutrality and equity are the cornerstones of our ADR services.

As an experienced mediator, Glenn Bobe is committed to maintaining an unbiased stance, ensuring that all voices are heard and considered.

This balanced approach helps build trust and facilitates a smoother resolution process, ultimately leading to outcomes that are equitable for everyone involved.

Two people shaking hands from above

Step-by-Step Process for Mediation, Arbitration, and Negotiations

umpire on knee


Facilitating Open Dialogue


Initial Consultation and Case Assessment

We begin with a thorough consultation to understand the specifics of your case and assess the best approach for resolution.


Preparation and Information Gathering

Both parties provide relevant information and documentation to ensure all aspects of the dispute are considered.


Facilitation of Dialogue

Glenn facilitates open and respectful communication between parties, helping them understand each other’s perspectives and work towards a mutually agreeable solution.


Resolution and Follow-Up

Glenn facilitates open and respectful communication between parties, helping them understand each other’s perspectives and work towards a mutually agreeable solution.

Empire reviewing a play


Delivering Binding Decisions


Initial Consultation

We assess the case and agree on the arbitration process.


Hearing Preparation

Both parties prepare their evidence and arguments, which are presented during the arbitration hearing.


Arbitration Hearing

Glenn, acting as an impartial arbitrator, listens to both sides and makes a binding decision based on the evidence and arguments presented.


Final Decision

The arbitrator’s decision is final and legally binding, providing a clear resolution to the dispute.

Two business people one wearing a baseball hat


Strategically Managing Settlements


Initial Consultation

We discuss the dispute and outline negotiation strategies.


Preparation and Information Gathering

Collecting all necessary information to understand each party’s position and interests.


Negotiation Sessions

Glenn guides the negotiation process, helping parties communicate effectively and explore potential solutions.


Settlement Agreement

Once a settlement is reached, we ensure it is clearly documented and agreed upon by all parties.

Benefits of Bobe ADR's Approach for All Parties Involved

Experience the Difference

Arrow on target


Our streamlined processes save time and reduce the costs associated with prolonged litigation.

Baseball mitt with ball in it


Glenn Bobe’s extensive experience and legal knowledge ensure that every case is handled with the utmost professionalism and care.

Number one foam finger


We understand the emotional and financial stress disputes can cause, and our compassionate approach helps alleviate these burdens.

Baseball bat


Our commitment to neutrality ensures that all parties feel heard and respected, leading to more satisfactory outcomes.

Focused on Reasonable Resolutions

At Bobe ADR, we recognize the unique challenges faced by injured workers.

Our process is designed to address these specific needs, ensuring that injured workers receive reasonable consideration and support throughout the resolution process.

By focusing on clear communication and understanding, we help bridge the gap between injured workers and their employers or insurers.

work site accident

Schedule Your Appointment Today

Begin your journey toward an efficient and effective resolution by scheduling an appointment with Bobe ADR. Glenn Bobe’s expertise in mediation, arbitration, and negotiation will adeptly guide you through the complexities of workers’ compensation disputes with the utmost care and professionalism.