Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) | Bobe ADR

Expert Mediation, Arbitration, and Negotiation Services


At Bobe ADR, we specialize in Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) for workers’ compensation cases in Georgia. Our deep understanding of the complexities involved in these disputes allows us to offer tailored solutions that meet the unique needs of defense and claimant attorneys.

We recognize that workers’ compensation cases often bring together parties with conflicting interests and expectations. Our mission is to bridge these gaps through skilled mediation, binding arbitration, and strategic negotiation, ensuring that every dispute is resolved impartially and efficiently.

Whether you’re dealing with an insurer resistant to claim realities or a claimant with inflated expectations, Bobe ADR is your trusted partner in finding a balanced resolution.

Learn About Each of Bobe ADR’s Services

Mediation Services

Finding Common Ground, One Conversation at a Time

Mediation is a confidential process where an impartial mediator facilitates communication between conflicting parties, aiming to foster reconciliation, settlement, or mutual understanding. The mediator’s role is not to decide the issues but to guide the parties towards their own resolution. The ultimate responsibility for resolving the dispute lies with the parties involved.
Our mediator, Glenn Bobe, brings a wealth of experience and a deep understanding of workers’ compensation law, ensuring effective communication and reasonable resolutions.
umpire on knee

Arbitration Services

A Faster, Cost-Effective Alternative to Litigation

Arbitration is a process where a neutral third party, known as an arbitrator, listens to both sides in a dispute and makes a binding decision to resolve it. It is an alternative to court litigation, designed to be faster and more cost-effective.
At Bobe ADR, we conduct arbitration with fairness and impartiality, delivering decisions that all parties can trust.
Empire reviewing a play

Negotiation Services

Strategically Managing Settlements

Negotiation in law is a process where parties in a dispute communicate directly or through their representatives to reach a mutually acceptable agreement without going to court. It involves discussions, compromises, and the exchange of offers to resolve the issues at hand.
Our negotiation services are designed to bridge gaps and manage expectations effectively. We work tirelessly to find common ground, ensuring that settlements are reasonable and satisfactory for all parties involved.
Two business people one wearing a baseball hat

Schedule Your Appointment Today

Take control and move towards a reasonable resolution with the expert guidance of Glenn Bobe at Bobe ADR. Our specialized mediation, arbitration, and negotiation services are designed to save you time, reduce costs, and achieve satisfactory outcomes for all parties involved.

Click below to schedule your appointment and start your journey towards resolution today.